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Vaginal Birth Healing Program

  • 11 Steps


During this program, Dr. Ashley covers healing in the initial hours, days and early weeks post vaginal birth. Learn what you can do to improve your healing from day ONE to the early weeks at home (6 weeks postpartum). In this program we will cover and you will learn: * Refresher on body and posture changes during pregnancy and the birth process * Initial hours after birth- what to expect, inflammation and pain control, bowel and bladder health, positioning and movements that help reduce stress on our healing bodies. *Time frames for healing, activities and recommendations and tips to set up home for healing * VIDEO - proper body mechanics with every day movements from bed mobility, breastfeeding/feeding positions, how sit and stand, sitting postures, getting on and off the floor and basic carrying, squatting and lifting movements. * Natural tearing vs episiotomies, the degrees of tearing, touch on scar massage and stretching * Key areas and exercises that we can begin doing even day 2/3 postpartum that will help improve our healing * Detailed pdf forms on mobility, exercises, breathing techniques, baby wearing, contracting our pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles that can help control inflammation and healing our core. *BONUS VIDEO- Mindset Prep for Birth and into Motherhood * Education and mindful tips to connect with our bodies and know when we are ready to return to more functional movements and exercise AND MORE!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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